Blog via Cheshire County Conservation District

$33,000 distributed to three farms in 2023!

The Monadnock Food Co-op & Cheshire County Conservation District announces three grant recipients for the 2023 Monadnock Food Co-op Farm Fund: Blackfire Farm of Hancock, Dog Days Farm of Fitzwilliam, and Manning Hill Farm of Winchester. The Farm Fund proudly distributed $32,000 among these three farms. Since starting in 2017, the Farm Fund has awarded over $152,000 in grants to nineteen local farms!


The Monadnock Food Co-op Farm Fund, created in partnership with the Cheshire Country Conservation District, has a mission to support local farmers in increasing sustainable food production and wholesale sales to contribute to a thriving local farm economy. This grant supports several of the co-op's goals, including contributing to a healthy, sustainable food system, supporting local farmers and producers and building a strong, sustainable, and improving local economy. The Cheshire County Conservation District, fiscal agent and partner for the Farm Fund, supports farm viability in the region and promotes the responsible stewardship of natural and agricultural resources.


Blackfire Farm, a diversified farm in Hancock, NH, which grows annual vegetables in no-till systems and raises pasture raised chicken, rabbit, pork and lamb, will construct a new propagation house powered by a wood pellet stove. This project will allow for increased production on their farm and will also allow for increased energy efficiency, reducing their fuel use. Learn more about Blackfire Farm, here!


Dog Days Farm, a 3-season mixed vegetable, fruit and herb farm in Fitzwilliam, NH, will construct an automated, heated high tunnel to increase production and efficiency of retail ready plant starts. Learn more about Dog Days Farm, here!


Manning Hill Farm, a diversified farm selling glass bottled milk and pastured eggs, beef, and pork in Winchester, NH, will upgrade to a new milking parlor, saving time, increasing farm efficiency, and will allow for increased milk production. Learn more about Manning Hill Farm, here!


“Our Farm Fund is an essential way to invest in the future of local, sustainable farming in our region," said Michael Faber, Monadnock Food Co-op General Manager. "Especially in these times, it helps ensure we have a healthy, local food system for our community now and into the future.”


Funds for this program are provided by donations from Monadnock Food Co-op and its shoppers. Additional funds come from the You Have Our Trust Fund.


Fundraising is already underway for the 2023 Monadnock Food Co-op Farm Fund grant cycle. During May and July co-op shoppers can round up their change at the registers to donate to the fund.


For more information, please visit:


To make a tax-deductible donation to the fund, please contact Amanda Littleton at the Cheshire Country Conservation District at 603-756-2988 ext. 4 or donate anytime online at

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