
Growing New Hampshire's
Food, Economy, & Community

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Cornucopia Project long beans

NH Food Alliance is a statewide network that engages and connects people dedicated to growing a thriving, fair, and sustainable local food system in the Granite State.

bee keeping
NH Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan

The Brief Public Comment Period is open, share your feedback below!

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Network Café Series

Join us to learn about and discuss critical topics and issues facing our food system right now

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nhfa annual report
2023-2024 Annual Report

Read about the past year of work, collaborations and accomplishments of the NH Food Alliance

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Upcoming Events (from our Network Partners!)
Submit by November 10
The request for workshop proposals is now open for the 23nd annual Northeast Organic Farming Association or New Hampshire Winter Conference. The confe... Learn More
November 8, 5PM-8PM
Granite State Graziers are so excited to announce their third annual Farmer Mixer at Six Burner Bistro in Plymouth. Learn More
Deadline November 1
If your organization is seeking capacity and a fresh perspective and/or specialized expertise to tackle a sustainability project, the UNH Sustainabili... Learn More
Apply by November 1!
The UNH Sustainability Dual Major program is seeking community partners for their UNH Sustainability Dual Major capstone course in Spring 2025. If you... Learn More
Deadline November 1
Farm to Institution New England (FINE) is pleased to announce the fifth biennial Northeast Farm to Institution Summit and they are in search of propos... Learn More
October 30, 2-3PM
Join CSA Innovation Network partners from Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) & Taste the Local Difference, along with guests from e-commerc... Learn More
October 21-22
Led by Elizabeth Roma at Roma's Butchery in South Royalton, participants will spend two days learning about poultry, lamb, and goat butchery skills. Learn More
October 18 & 23
In partnership with the NH County Conservation District and NH NRCS, UNH Extension is hosting two upcoming events showcasing NH farms that are impleme... Learn More
Part of NH Food Alliance's 2024-2025 Network Cafe Series
On October 4, the NH Food Alliance kicked off its 2024-2025 Network Café Series Learn More
Article via the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute
The most recent USDA food insecurity data was collected through the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey in 2023. In order to produce more r... Learn More