Blog post via Tom Kelly of the Sustainability Institute at UNH

"An anniversary provides an opportunity to pause and reflect: in this case, on the past 25 years of sustainability at UNH and in the wider world.

It has been a significant quarter of a century, so let’s start with UNH.

Saying precisely when something started is always a bit dicey, but in many ways sustainability at UNH began in the early 1990s with organizing by a number of people including Dennis Meadows, Bob Eckert, Bert Cohen, and John Carroll among other faculty, staff, and students; and importantly, it also included Peter Lamb and Bill Mautz, who at the time were in leadership positions at the UNH Foundation and the College of Life Science and Agriculture respectively, and who were pivotal in advancing the effort. Another key factor was, of course, the visionary philanthropy of Oliver Hubbard who over a 4-year period gave a series of gifts that established a $10M endowment to enable the building of a comprehensive, university-wide sustainability initiative that was further supported with a wide array of gifts including those from Jo Lamprey and Tom Haas." READ MORE