Blog post via Kearsarge Food Hub

"When the pandemic hit in 2020, Kearsarge Food Hub (KFH) joined forces with community partners to co-create FEED Kearsarge - a shared initiative designed to support the community through turbulent times and beyond through Food Education, Expansion and Distribution. 

One pillar of this collaboration is the Victory Garden Revival, which is a concept repurposed from World War II, when households started growing their own food to support food security for themselves when supply chains were precarious.

Check out our newest blog post for an in-depth update on the Victory Garden Revival in the Kearsarge Area, including case studies at three garden sites: Warner Connects Food Pantry, Colby-Sawyer College, and Bradford Food Pantry.

Each gardens teaches us something about the benefits and challenges of community gardens, and how they can work in service to food security, education, and community connections." READ MORE