
Growing New Hampshire's
Food, Economy, & Community

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Cornucopia Project long beans

NH Food Alliance is a statewide network that engages and connects people dedicated to growing a thriving, fair, and sustainable local food system in the Granite State.

bee keeping
NH Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan

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Network Café Series

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nhfa annual report
2023-2024 Annual Report

Read about the past year of work, collaborations and accomplishments of the NH Food Alliance

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Upcoming Events (from our Network Partners!)
Article via USDA
Study underscores the need for Congress to continue bipartisan commitment to fully fund WIC Learn More
From the Ground Up: Issue #1 from Wildlands, Woodlands, Farmlands, and Communities Learn More
Part of NH Food Alliance's 2023-2024 Network Cafe Series
On December 1, the NH Food Alliance (NHFA) hosted "The Economic Impact of Our Food System," part of our 2023-2024 Network Cafe Series. Learn More
Article via New Hampshire Hunger Solutions
NH Hunger Solutions is partnering with UNH Extension and the New England Dairy Council to promote the 2023 School Breakfast Challenge. Learn More
Resource from Texas Center for Local Food
Based on the acclaimed Iowa Farmers Market Toolkit, this course offers a detailed break down of the market manager role, effective vendor recruitment ... Learn More
Article via USDA
USDA is making more than $3 billion in funding available for agricultural producers and forest landowners nationwide to participate in voluntary conse... Learn More
Article via USDA
This program is critical to keeping small, organic dairies sustainable as they continue to weather a combination of challenges outside of their contro... Learn More
Article via New Hampshire Bulletin
But even for an advocate like Riddle, jumping into a new crop like marijuana is not as easy as setting aside the land and planting. He would need to r... Learn More
Article via ATTRA
Urban agroforestry refers to the integration of trees and other perennial crops into urban, suburban, and other community spaces. Learn More
Article via New Hampshire Bulletin
Every year, the nursery grows 3 million seedlings, the majority of which come directly from trees and plants already on the property or on other state... Learn More