What We Do

What We Do
Washing carrots at Highwater Farm in Bartlett, New Hampshire


NH Food Alliance is a statewide network that connects the people, business, organizations, and communities dedicated to growing a thriving, fair, and sustainable local food system in the Granite State. Together we build relationships, learn from each other, and catalyze collaboration to advance our common goals, respond creatively to challenges, and amplify our collective impact through six focus areas.


Diversify and Deepen Network Connections

We aim to deepen our existing network connections and actively develop new relationships between individuals and organizations, especially among traditionally underrepresented communities, policy-makers and groups, by: 

Catalyze Collaboration 

We catalyze collaboration to find shared interests, advance policy changes, generate knowledge, and build collective solutions at the community, state and regional levels by: 

Learning and Leadership

Foster learning and skill-building among network partners so that we can be effective leaders, collaborators, and advocates for change by:

  • organizing and hosting monthly Network Cafes
  • collecting news, events, grants and resources from our network and share in a searchable, filterable format on the Network News page


We activate and engage network partners and the public through inspirational storytelling and shared communication tools and resources. To accomplish this, we're currently: