
Growing New Hampshire's
Food, Economy, & Community

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Cornucopia Project long beans

NH Food Alliance is a statewide network that engages and connects people dedicated to growing a thriving, fair, and sustainable local food system in the Granite State.

bee keeping
NH Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan

We are spearheading a strategic
plan for our food system.
And we need you to get involved!

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August is NH Eats Local Month!

Join us for a 31 day celebration of local food and be part of the eat local movement in the Granite State.

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nhfa annual report
2023-2024 Annual Report

Read about the past year of work, collaborations and accomplishments of the NH Food Alliance

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Upcoming Events (from our Network Partners!)
The Evolving Local Food System and Her Role on the House Agriculture Committee
Rep. Kuster rejoined the Agriculture Committee this Congress, where she will have an opportunity to advance the priorities of Granite State farmers, p... Learn More
The best way Seacoast Eat Local's, Celeste Gingras, could support local farmers was by beginning New Hampshire’s very first mobile market. Learn More
At Kearsarge Food Hub, developing opportunities for community members to learn about local food and its benefits is integrated into every aspect of th... Learn More
Shop Our Local Table
The Belknap Foodshed – which in it’s broadest sense will be an ag-based maker space – featuring active agriculture, food processing, education, a rest... Learn More