
Growing New Hampshire's
Food, Economy, & Community

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Cornucopia Project long beans

NH Food Alliance is a statewide network that engages and connects people dedicated to growing a thriving, fair, and sustainable local food system in the Granite State.

bee keeping
NH Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan

We are spearheading a strategic
plan for our food system.
And we need you to get involved!

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August is NH Eats Local Month!

Join us for a 31 day celebration of local food and be part of the eat local movement in the Granite State.

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nhfa annual report
2023-2024 Annual Report

Read about the past year of work, collaborations and accomplishments of the NH Food Alliance

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Upcoming Events (from our Network Partners!)
The New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program is an independent state authority that makes matching grants to NH communities and no... Learn More
Article via National Farm to School Network
We believe that we need a system of school meals that serves all kids and values the people who get it to the table. But what are the best ways to com... Learn More
Toolkit via Kids Gardening
KidsGardening.org, a Fiscal Year 2021 Farm to School grantee, has a mission to create opportunities for kids to play, learn, and grow through gardenin... Learn More
Article By Amy Manzelli, Esq. and Timothy Kopczynski, Esq. with BCM Environmental & Land Law
Bees have become an unofficial mascot for the environment. With “Save the Bees” coming into widespread use, people are looking beyond the stinger to a... Learn More
The USDA People’s Garden welcomes you to join the People’s Garden network by registering your school gardens, community gardens, urban farms, and smal... Learn More
Report via Center for Agriculture and Food Systems at Vermont Law and Graduate School, in collaboration with Farm to Institution New England
In the midst of budget cuts and other obstacles facing state-run prisons, food is under-prioritized. From sourcing, quality, and safety, to dining env... Learn More
Article via NH Public Radio
Researchers from the University of New Hampshire are exploring the connection between access to food and the intake of fish and fiber-rich meals in lo... Learn More
Article via The Keene Sentinel
When Keene State College’s food pantry first opened in 2017, The Hungry Owl would offer only nonperishable foods. Learn More
Blog post via Kearsarge Food Hub
On Sweet Beet Farm, they are committed to soil building practices that have the power to restore balance to our ecosystems - and grow delicious, highl... Learn More
Guide via NCAT ATTRA
Farm internships and apprenticeships can be a win-win, writes Lee Rinehart in this new ATTRA publication. However, there are some criteria farmers sho... Learn More