Join Pete Endres, owner of Bird Dog Farm and Cider for a beginner to intermediate workshop on organic orcharding. Instruction will focus on organic orcharding issues and techniques, including weed and pest control, pruning, tree nutrition, and varietal selection. The orchard has 1,500 trees and over 20 apple varieties, all on dwarf rootstocks supported by trellis. The farm uses modern, high density growing techniques combined with certified organic practices. Varieties includes American heirloom, European cider, and fresh eating apples to be used in hard cider production and PYO. The workshop will include a farm tour / walk, presentation on topics by Endres, Q&A, and finish with a hard cider tasting in the newly renovated barn tasting room.
Instruction will be oriented to those who are looking to begin an orchard (of any size) or in the early stages of establishing their growing operation. Home growers and farmers are both encouraged to register.
Due to the workshop including a hard cider tasting, you must be 21 to register.